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Rebecca Agi guides mothers through one of the most exciting (and challenging) periods: breastfeeding. For many first time moms, breastfeeding is daunting and anxiety-inducing. No matter how much you prep for motherhood, sometimes, it just doesn’t come easy. Thankfully, people like Rebecca exist.
Rebecca is a L.A.-based International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. She provides in-home lactation support to new and expecting families. She also studied nutrition at New York University and California State University Northridge. At her practice, Best Milk LA, she fields all sorts of questions from new moms. Below are the top four she receives.

1. How often should my baby be eating?
During the early days, you’ll want to aim for 8-12 feedings per 24 hours. This breaks down to every 2-3 hours. If your baby shows early signs of hunger before that 2-3 hours mark, be sure to feed him/her on demand. One of the amazing things about breastfeeding is that a baby can’t overfeed at the breast. They simply stop feeding when they’re full.

2. How do I know my baby is getting enough to eat, or that I’m making enough milk?
Here are 5 ways to tell that you’re making enough milk and your baby is getting enough:

- Your baby nurses at least 8-12 times in 24 hours
- You feed the baby at the first signs of hunger
- Your baby is gaining weight
- Your baby has wet and dirty diapers
- Your baby seems satisfied at the end of a feeding

3. What are common signs of an infection and when should I see a doctor about breastfeeding problems?
Mastitis and Thrush are two of the most common infections women experience during the breastfeeding journey. If you experience a red wedge-shaped area on the breast, fever, flu-like aches, and/or shivers, you may have mastitis and should contact your doctor and lactation consultant. If you experience itchy or burning nipples that appear pink, red, shiny, or flaky, you may have thrush and should be seen by your doctor right away.

4. When should I start pumping?
It’s always best to wait at least 3-4 weeks to introduce pumping, unless of course there are breastfeeding issues that require a mother to pump before then, or if she has chosen to pump exclusively from the start.
Waiting at least 3-4 weeks to start pumping helps ensure that a mother’s milk supply and the breastfeeding relationship have been fully established. Pumping earlier can be very overwhelming and lead to uncomfortable engorgement, oversupply, recurring plugged ducts and a bottle flow preference…issues you’ll definitely want to avoid.
If you’re looking to store some extra milk after the first month of life without putting your body into oversupply mode, you can pump after the first morning breastfeed and send that milk straight to the freezer for your stash.