1. Keep Healthy on Hand
Make breakfast and lunch extra nutritious, with lots of veggies, protein, and healthy fats. If there is to be a huge family feast, be sure to have healthy balanced food on hand for your littles. The timing of family meals can be difficult for little ones. If the meal begins at 2 pm, but your baby is on a 12pm lunch schedule, make sure there are healthy snack options available.

2. DIYSS: Do it Your Sweet Self
Make your own sweets! Homemade treats can still be fun, delicious, and sweet. Baking at home avoids the additives, processed oils, and excess sugars found in processed desserts. You can involve the kids in the baking process as well (try my chocolate peanut butter bon bons).
In addition to sweets, make some festive savory foods. A quick google search will give you plenty of ideas for pumpkin fries, pumpkin hummus, and more!

3. Get Moving
Prior to sitting down for a big meal, try to find time to be active. There’s a reason pre-turkey football games are popular amongst adults. Engage your tot in some afternoon snow play or a living room dance party. The more they move, the better they will feel post-meal.

4. Set Boundaries
Thanksgiving ends on Thanksgiving. Same with other seasonal holidays. Your children need boundaries in real life, and the same is true for pre-and-post holiday gatherings. Delicious, nutritious leftovers are wonderful, but there’s no need to have Pumpkin Pie with whipped cream for breakfast.