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  • Top 5 Remedies for Morning Sickness

    Top 5 Remedies for Morning Sickness

    “Morning sickness” doesn’t really stick to the morning. Tracy Lockwood Beckerman, a registered dietitian and fertility specialist, shares her top remedies to ease pregnancy nausea.

  • Postpartum Body Image: Understanding & Embracing Changes

    Postpartum Body Image: Understanding & Embracing Changes

    Pregnancy and childbirth bring about significant changes in a woman’s body. While some may find joy in these transformations, others may experience feelings of discomfort and body dissatisfaction. Society’s emphasis on quickly returning to pre-pregnancy weight can add pressure and impact mental health. It’s essential to recognize that postpartum body changes are normal and unique…

  • 14 Month Old Milestones

    14 Month Old Milestones

    For your 14-month-old, there’s no greater teacher than play.

  • 11 Month Old Milestones

    11 Month Old Milestones

    As your baby turns 11 months old, their ability to connect the meaning of words to objects is pretty advanced. AP Baby, anyone?

  • 10 Month Old Milestones

    10 Month Old Milestones

    At the 10 month milestone mark, your baby’s pincer grasp is pincing. But what does that mean?

  • 9 Month Old Milestones

    9 Month Old Milestones

    Congratulations! Your baby has now been out as long as they were in. Your little one is an amateur explorer, crawling everywhere they can.

  • 8 Month Old Milestones

    8 Month Old Milestones

    You’ve got a little human with a full blown personality on your hands now…and they are on the move.

  • 7 Month Old Milestones

    7 Month Old Milestones

    7 month milestones are here. As your baby explores solids, it may be tempting to give them foods loaded with sugar or fruit. But what they eat today has far-reaching implications.

  • 6 Month Old Milestones

    6 Month Old Milestones

    Congratulations are in order as you’ve made it through half a year! It’s all happening. Fine and gross motor skills are continuing to develop, and you may see your baby transfer an object from one hand to the other.

  • 5 Month Old Milestones

    5 Month Old Milestones

    Things are changing, and we’re not talking about all those diapers you run through. At five months old your baby is starting to sit up, move, and roll — if only for a few seconds.

  • How Baby’s Nutrition Mirrors the Mother’s

    How Baby’s Nutrition Mirrors the Mother’s

    How do we nourish ourselves and our babies? How and what to eat is a topic that stays on every mother’s mind from pregnancy through the 4th trimester, and into their baby’s start on solids. But where nutritional advice is readily available during pregnancy, little information exists on how a mother can nourish herself during…

  • The Benefits of Strawberries for Children

    The Benefits of Strawberries for Children

    Incorporating strawberries into a child’s diet can help support healthy brain development and improve cognitive function, mood, vision, and overall health. It is important to note that while strawberries are a healthy food choice, they should be consumed in moderation as part of a balanced diet that includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains,…

  • The Truth About Heavy Metals in Your Baby’s Food

    The Truth About Heavy Metals in Your Baby’s Food

    A number of studies in recent years have found unsafe levels of heavy metals in popular packaged infant and toddler foods. Most recently, a congressional study released in 2021 found that these contaminants are detrimental to adults and children alike.

  • The First 1,000 Days: When Nutrition Matters Most

    The First 1,000 Days: When Nutrition Matters Most

    The world of childhood nutrition and wellness is riddled with conflicting advice. And yet, there is growing consensus around one topic: the importance of the first 1,000 days.

  • Introducing Allergens: What You Need to Know

    Introducing Allergens: What You Need to Know

    Mounting evidence suggests that early exposure prevents allergy development.

  • Why We Love Chia Seeds

    Why We Love Chia Seeds

    If you’re a Yumi customer, you’ve probably noticed that we love chia seeds. They can be found in many of our blends, such as Blueberry Chia Pudding and Pear Raspberry Chia Pudding. We sneak them in where we can. But why are we so obsessed with this tiny seed you might ask? Here’s why.

  • How to Introduce New Foods & Achieve Nutritional Balance

    How to Introduce New Foods & Achieve Nutritional Balance

    Here’s What You Need To Know: Food For Thought: Introducing new foods to your babe takes patience and perseverance. Sometimes it seems like they love a food right away, and other times they are pushing the spoon away. There will be days when your baby’s appetite is ravenous, and days where they won’t eat a thing.…

  • Milk Supply 101

    Milk Supply 101

    Breast milk production can be confusing for new parents due to its variability and the lack of visible indicators. Many factors, such as baby’s demand, effective latching, frequency of feeding, and maternal well-being, influence milk production.

  • Safe Sleep: Why It’s Important

    Safe Sleep: Why It’s Important

    When it comes to safe infant sleep, following the right recommendations can seem daunting at first. However, ensuring your baby sleeps safely is crucial for their well-being. To prevent Sudden Unexpected Infant Death Syndrome (SUIDS), including Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), implementing safe sleep practices is essential.

  • What Can Your Child Eat at 12 Months? Best Ways to Feed Your Growing Child

    What Can Your Child Eat at 12 Months? Best Ways to Feed Your Growing Child

    Once your baby reaches the one-year mark, there’s a lot of celebrating to do. We’ll cover all the bases when it comes to feeding your baby.