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There are tons of ways to reuse old baby food jars, reduce waste, and start on the journey to make the world a better place for your little one to grow up in. Let’s learn how we can lend a hand.
Top 8 Creative Uses for Used Baby Food Jars
Babies go through a lot of material. From diapers to clothes to baby food containers, there’s a lot to keep up with. As we learn more about how to help the planet and be mindful of how much we use, it’s important to teach our kids to do this. What better way to do this than to reuse baby food jars!
In addition to helping the planet and reducing waste, reusing your baby’s food jars just may come in handy around the house. There’s an abundance of creative uses for old baby food jars, but here are our favorites!

1. Candle Making
Candles have tons of benefits. From producing therapeutic smells that make your home relaxing and stress-free to making your spaces cozier, they’re an easy way to reuse baby food jars and add some spice to your décor.
Here’s what you’ll need:
– Wax and a candle wick
– Fragrance
– Coloring
– Clean baby food jar
– Skewers or popsicle sticks
– Large pot
– Stovetop or hot plate
Here are basic instructions for making a candle in old baby food jars:
- Place the wick in the bottom of the baby food jar in the middle.
- Next, heat the wax on your stovetop and add as much fragrance and color as you like! Essential oils are an easy fragrance to add, and if you don’t already have any, they’re available at most superstores or online. Add any food coloring and mix in the pot until melted and blended.
- Pour the wax into the jar. Use the skewers or popsicle sticks to prop the wick upright, so it stays straight while the wax cools and sets.
- Once your candle has cooled, trim the wax to your desired height and enjoy.
Tip: Get as creative as you want. Paint the jars. Make them as gifts. Make a different candle for every member of the family!

2. Spice Jars
In addition to ordering baby food designed specifically for your baby’s developmental milestones, there are nutritious recipes to make homemade baby food your little one will love! To do this, it helps to have an organized spice cabinet. Why not recycle old baby food jars to hold spices!
The reality is—babies love flavor. You don’t need to pack baby food with sugar and salt to make them like it. By adding spices and natural flavoring to your babe’s food, you’re not only keeping them healthy now, but you’re setting the stage for the future of their health by developing their palettes.
To turn your baby food jars into spice jars, clean out the inside and remove any labels. Then, transfer your spices from their original containers or garden and store them in the jars. You can create new labels for your jars, so you know which by writing on the lids or printing out new labels.
Once you’ve got your new spices organized, try making these recipes with your baby:
- Vegan Coconut Yogurt Drops
- Choco Pancakes
- Turkey and Apple Meatballs
- Green Superfood Smoothie

3. Paint Storage
Baby food jars can also be used to store paint. Take old craft paint containers that may only have a small amount of paint left and transfer them to a jar. Do the same thing with any indoor paint for your home. This way, you don’t have half-full cans of paint lying around, but you also don’t have to waste!
From craft paints to indoor paint for your home, using baby food jars to hold extra or leftover paints is a great way to minimize waste and double as free storage.

4. Jar Crafts
Whether you’re stuck at home on a rainy day or just looking for crafts to do with your kiddos, we’ve got some ideas!

Apple Jars
For a back-to-school gift or summer craft ideas for your little ones, have them turn baby food jars into apples! Plus, it’s a super easy craft idea.
- Paint the bottom of the jar red and the top of the jar green
- Use a button or wooden peg as the stem of the apple and glue it on top of the lid
Viola. That was easy, huh?
If your kids want to give the apples as a back-to-school present, you can fill them with goodies for their teachers or notes of encouragement for the year. You can also set them around the house for summer or fall decorations!
Aliens and Monsters
It’s no secret that kids are messy. But messes are an important part of their development. Making messes cultivates creativity, helps your little one engage with their five senses, interacts with the world around them, and can benefit physical development, emotional and social development, and even early language and math skills!
Grab some old baby food jars and make alien or monster crafts with your little one. Throw some newspapers on the floor and get messy! This craft time idea is pretty self-explanatory. Grab some paint colors and get crafting to make an alien, monster, or whatever creature the imagination designs.

5. Make a Jar Garden
The benefits of gardening are numerous. Gardening promotes both mental health and physical health by cultivating self-esteem, reducing stress, promoting healthy family relationships, and by the physical activity gardening requires. Plus, it’s easy to do with baby food jars!
Here’s how to make a garden from your baby food jars:
- To start with, you will need clean jars, potting soil, small rocks or gravel for the bottom, and whatever herbs or seeds you want to plant!
- Next, place the rocks or gravel at the bottom of the jar to help with drainage. The rocks should be about two inches tall.
- Add your potting mix to the jar, so it’s about one or two inches below the rim.
- Plant your seeds or transplant your herbs to grow!
- You can label each jar to remember which herb is which. Herbs need around six hours of sun each day and should be watered occasionally—follow instructions on your seed packets to avoid overwatering.

6. Nature Catcher
For a summertime activity with your little one, turn baby food jars into nature catchers. Organize a scavenger hunt and collect various nature items in the jars. You can also use them as bug catchers when lightning bugs come out. Make sure to poke holes in the tops of the jars and release the bugs before you go inside.

7. Photo Frames
Baby food jars double as funky photo frames. Clean out your jars and print out some photos. Next, use a clear glue or paste to secure your photos to the inside of the jar surface. Your photo should wrap around the jar, adding funky character and depth to your picture!

8. Encouragement Jars
Another great way to reuse baby food jars is to turn them into encouragement jars. Cut out little strips of paper and write on each one words of affirmation. You can make a jar for each person in the family or create one for your family as a whole!
Fold the paper and place them in the jar. Whether the jar is for your kiddo or your significant other, this is a great way to encourage them and boost confidence! Encouragement through words is powerful in reversing negative thoughts, boosting self-esteem, and promoting confidence!

Jars are Better
Jars are better for your babe and the planet as they can be easily recycled and reused in your own home! First, jars are better than baby-food pouches. While they’re a convenient option that can be used now and then, they take away from the eating experience when used all the time. Second, jars help your little one develop fine motor skills and taste palette by involving eating movements and separating ingredients.
Our jars are also great for the planet! We use BPA/BPS-free plastic to make our jars over glass so that you can let your little one self-feed and explore their food without worrying about glass shattering.
Our packaging is also curbside recyclable. There are also ways to recycle your jars, box, packaging materials, and custom ice packs. We care about the planet too!
To learn more about how you can recycle your YUMI materials, check out this guide!
It’s no secret that our little ones use a lot of stuff. Diapers, clothes, and baby food jars seem to come and go by the hundreds. Luckily, there are easy ways to reuse baby food jars to add spice to your home décor or double as creative activities and crafts for your kiddos!
Our baby food jars are great for your little one, from when they arrive at your doorstep to when they double as crafts. To learn more about a meal plan designed specifically for your little ones and their developmental milestones, check out our menu.